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Updated: Feb 2, 2021

A recent IoIC survey has shown that 57.83% of people are expected to leave their employer within the next 3 years.

Whilst the number can vary vastly for different industries, the average in the UK according to Monster is 15%.

That’s a significant difference isn’t it?

Whilst employee churn is both healthy and expected, this higher rate is costly to organisations. And even more so when your high performers and talent decide to move on.

There are many reasons for this new number given the year that we’ve just experienced, including:

· levels of trust in an organisation

· the opportunity to be heard

· lack of D&I

· employee experience during the pandemic

· transparency and authenticity of communications

· lack of vision and purpose

· limited opportunities for development

One that has always resonated with me is “People join an organisation and leave a manager.”

People Managers are experiencing one of the most challenging times in their careers.

Not only are they adapting to the changes of managing their teams remotely, their involvement in the care and well-being of each of their people has increased, and for many, they are trying to balance this with their own objectives, mental health, home-life, home-schooling, caring etc.

Could your People Managers benefit from additional development and support to emotionally connect with their teams?

The good news is that we are seeing some incredible lessons from the impact that great People Managers can have on employee engagement when they are supported with the tools to do so.

What is your People Manager strategy?

Do you have some stories to share?

Alternatively, if this has resonated with you and you’d like to discuss in more detail, do get in touch and I will share how I’m supporting People Managers in other organisations.

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There have been many words that stand out to describe 2020, but one of the most significant for me is connection, and more specifically, human connection.

Whether through our personal or our business networks, the ability to connect with others on an emotional level has been a vital skill.

Human connection has enhanced previous relationships; we’ve seen inside colleagues’ houses, we’ve met children and family pets, we’ve shared our thoughts and fears and we’ve embraced a more compassionate approach to business.

Compassion creates higher levels of trust, boosts confidence and optimism and engages our teams; all behaviours that we will continue to call on as we enter a new year.

Here are four ways for managers to embrace compassion in 2021:

1. Connect – regularly

Research from Leadership IQ shows that optimum engagement results come when managers connect with each team member for 6 hours per week. These connections don’t all have to be work-related. Use some time to check-in on work-life balance, family and personal interests.

2. Demonstrate vulnerability

I’m often asked how to do this without appearing ‘soft’ or ‘lacking control’, and that’s the point. You don’t need to be ‘hard’ or ‘controlling’ to be a great leader. Demonstrating your softer skills will bring you closer to your team. For example, share some of your own concerns or challenges; admit mistakes; share your learnings – be human.

3. Show flexibility

Give your teams a clear purpose and let them achieve. Think of it as freedom within a framework. Does it really matter how or when your team work as long as they achieve their goals? Cutting them some slack and showing a flexible approach to their work will provide greater commitment and engagement.

4. Communicate authentically

This is a time for over-communication. Keep in regular contact and be transparent and consistent with your messages. If you don’t know something, say so. Provide opportunities for your team to ask questions and maintain a two-way dialogue.

If you’d like to understand more about how I can support you or your team with developing and enhancing connection and engagement with your employees, get in touch and let’s have a conversation.

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Updated: Dec 9, 2020

As working from home starts to become familiar to many I'm loving the great examples of communication creativity, collaboration and sheer brilliance from Line Managers.

Reassurance, connection and business direction is key as people juggle this new way of working with family and other personal issues.

However, some Line Managers don't find this new way of working intuitive, particularly when they’ve previously worked together with their people face to face.

I’ve been working with Line Managers using the C.O.N.N.E.C.T. Programme to focus on key elements which bring their teams together.

The checklist summarises these, along with useful tips in each area for anyone who might find it of use.

You can download it via the following link:

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